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Tối ưu tốc độ website với Asynchronous và Deferred Javascript

Hầu hết, nếu không nói là tất cả website ngày nay đều sử dụng quá nhiều Javascript. Các nút social media? Các Plugin? Thậm chí là theme? 90% trường hợp đều có chèn script. Bạn đang chạy script. Script làm chậm tốc độ tải trang. Sau đây là 2 plugin giúp giải quyết vấn đề…

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How to print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript

function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, “,”); } This is all you really need to know. The regex uses 2 lookahead assertions: a positive one to look for any point in the string that has a multiple of 3 digits in a row after it, and a negative assertion to make sure that point only has..

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What is Ajax

What is AJAX? AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In short; AJAX is about loading data in the background and display it on the webpage, without reloading the whole page. Examples of applications using AJAX: Gmail, Google Maps, Youtube, and Facebook tabs. You can learn more about AJAX in our AJAX tutorial. What About jQuery and..

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RiverCrane Vietnam sympathizes staffs' innermost feelings and desires and set up termly salary review policy. Performance evaluation is conducted in June and December and salary change is conducted in January and July every year. Besides, outstanding staffs receive bonus for their achievements periodically (monthly, yearly).


In order to broaden staffs' view about technologies over the world, RiverCrane Vietnam set up policy to send staffs to Japan for study. Moreover, the engineers can develop their career paths in technical or management fields.


Not only bringing chances to the staffs for their challenging, Rivercrane Vietnam also excites them with interesting annual trips. Exciting Gala Dinner with team building games will make the members of Rivercrane connected closer.


Activities such as Team Building, Company Building, Family Building, Summer Holiday, Mid-Autum Festival, etc. will be the moments worthy of remembrance for each individual in the project or the pride when one introduces the company to his or her family, and shares the message "We are One".


Rivercrane Vietnam ensures social insurance, medical insurance and unemployment insurance for staffs. The company commits to support staffs for any procedures regarding these insurances. In addition, other insurance policies are taken into consideration and under review.


Support budget for activities related to education, entertainment and sports. Support fee for purchasing technical books. Support fee for getting engineering or language certificates. Support fee for joining courses regarding technical management. Other supports following company's policy, etc.

© 2012 RiverCrane Vietnam. All rights reserved.
